Sunrise Eggs is a premium brand of organic selenium enriched eggs supplied from our farm to your table. With a fleet distributing across the Eastern Cape region, Sunrise Eggs is proud to have grown from humble family beginnings to a nationally recognized brand. Sunrise Eggs is available in most stores and premium retail outlets throughout the Eastern Cape.


Why Selenium-enriched eggs?

Organic selenium is a well-researched natural additive that has evidenced to have many health benefits for humans. And Sunrise Eggs is all about producing healthy, nutritional food. Among the health benefits attributed to this key nutritional building block are:

  • Improves immune systems.
  • Assists against oxidative stress.
  • Supports growth and development in children.
  • Enhances brain function.
  • Reduces cancer risks.
  • Contributes towards cardiac health.
  • Promotes fertility in men.
  • Lowers risks associated with birth miscarriage.


Anyone tasting our selenium-enriched eggs for the first time will notice the rich golden colour our yolks have. It is no mistake why this is so, since great animal care and superior-balanced feed yield great quality Sunrise Eggs!

  • Healthy Chickens produce healthy eggs.
  • Historically, a richer-coloured yolk indicates a more nutritious egg.
  • Yolk pigments remain relatively stable and very little vibrancy is lost in cooking producing a visually appealing meal!


Much hard work and preparation goes into ensuring that Sunrise Farm produces quality eggs for your family. With one of the highest living standards within the poultry industry, Sunrise Eggs prides itself in maintaining a peak standard of disease prevention and pro-active health care for our birds. And healthy birds are the first step towards achieving quality eggs for you, our customer. Of course, well-fed animals are happier and to this end, Sunrise Eggs together with Epol, sources only the best selenium-enriched feed; the best nutrition for the best results.


Customer reviews

"I was really surprised because I think at least 6 of the eggs had double yolks….what a bonus..... Your eggs are delicious and have the most beautiful golden yolks, lots of green food."
Win Coleman
Adelaide, EC
"I was in East London over the weekend, and bought your eggs. .. Your eggs are delish! I would love to continue supporting you. I am in a few health groups, and we always looking for good quality eggs!"
Janine Gray
Cape Town, WC
"Sunrise Eggs are the Best eggs Ever! My customers travel especially to my store to buy your eggs"
Mahmed (Retailer)
Bisho, EC

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